lunes, 13 de marzo de 2017


Ya se acabó Crufts y como siempre nos dejó un montón de bonitas imágenes que iremos viendo poco a poco. Empezamos con las primeras...

Crufts is over, and as always we have a lot of beautiful images that we will see little by little. We started with the first ones ...

El handler Jason Lynn recibe un lameton de "Afterglow Miami Ink", el American Cocker Spaniel, ganador del Best in Show en Crufts Dog Show en Birmingham.
Handler Jason Lynn receives a lick from "Afterglow Miami Ink", the American Cocker Spaniel, winner of the Best in Show competition at the Crufts Dog Show in Birmingham, UK.

"Afterglow Miami Ink" (Miami), el American Cocker Spaniel posa con su trofeo como Best in Show.
 "Afterglow Miami Ink" (Miami), the American Cocker Spaniel is posed with his trophy as the winner of the Best in Show competition.

"Afterglow Miami Ink" (Miami), en movimiento
 "Afterglow Miami Ink" (Miami), on move

Una mujer lleva una camiseta con un perro impreso mientras obserba los juicios en la final de Crufts Dog Show en el NEC Arena 
A woman wears a jumper with a dog print as she watches the judging on the final day of the Crufts Dog Show at the NEC Arena 

Cachorros de French bulldog, de una camada de 8, miran Crufts en la tele, en su casa de Newlyn, Cornwall, UK
French bulldog pups, from a litter of 8, watching Crufts on TV.  At there home in Newlyn, Cornwall, UK

 Un Chow Chow es arreglado durante el segundo dia en Crufts Dog Show en Birmingham.
A Chow Chow is groomed during the second day of the Crufts Dog Show in Birmingham.

Un Bichon Frise es acicalado durante el segundo dia en Crufts 2017. 
A Bichon Frise is groomed during day two of Crufts 2017.

Pickle el pug llega en el segundo dia de Crufts 2017 al NEC en Birmingham. 
Pickle the pug arrives for day two of Crufts 2017 at the NEC in Birmingham.

Participantes llegan con sus perros en el segundo dia de Crufts Dog Show in Birmingham.
Men arrive with their dogs for the second day of the Crufts Dog Show in Birmingham.

Perros llegando en su carrito al comienzo del segundo dia en Crufts Dog Show.
Dogs arrive in a mesh trolley eager for the start of day two at Crufts Dog Show.

Una participante comparte su helado con su afgano.
A woman feeds an Afghan hound an ice cream.

Esta participante descansa con su perro durante el primer dia de Crufts Dog Show.
A woman rests with dogs in a dog pen on the first day of the Crufts Dog Show.

Una participante posa para los fotografos con su West Higland White Terrier vencedor el primer dia de Crufts dog show.
A woman poses for a photograph with her prize-winning West Highland White Terrier dog on the first day of the Crufts dog show.

Los perros son juzgados en el ring durante el primer dia de Crufts Dog Show.
 Dogs are judged in a show ring on the first day of Crufts Dog Show.

Una mujer sentada junto a su perro el primer dia de Crufts Dog Show
A woman sits beside her dog on the first day of Crufts Dog Show

Un participante come un bocadillo mientras sud basset Hound miran atentamente
 A man eats whilst his Basset Hounds watch.

Los Bedlington Terriers son mostrados en el primer dia de Crufts Dog Show. 
Bedlington Terriers are shown during the first day of the Crufts Dog Show.

 Un borzoi se abraza asu propietario mientras espera a entrar en el ring.
A Borzoi clambers onto its owner waiting to be shown in the ring at Crufts 2017.

Meagan Spring llega con su perro Mable para la cita anual en Crufts Dog Show en el NEC Arena en Birmingham.
Meagan Spring arrives with her dog Mable for the annual Crufts Dog Show at the NEC Arena in Birmingham. 

Perros y propietarios van llegando el primer dia al Crufts Dog Show en el NEC de Birmingham.
Dogs and owners arrive for the first day of Crufts Dog Show at NEC Birmingham.