A principios del siglo XX, cuando el transporte era escaso y rudimentario en Alaska y en otros entornos nevados y helados, estos perros esquimales ayudaban a las personas a atracar el barco a la orilla a través del hielo roto, llevar la escuela a una nueva ubicación; transportar cargas, correos, cartas ...
Hoy en día, los perros esquimales se consideran mascotas y son tratados con cariño y cuidados con esmero, pero echa un vistazo para ver su vida cotidiana entre los años 1900 a 1920 a través de estas encantadoras instantáneas vintage.
In the early 20th century, when transportation was poor and rudimentary
in Alaska, and other snowy and icy environments, these Huskies help
people to pull boat to shore through broken ice, pull school house to
new location; transport cargo, mails, letters...
Today, Huskies are considered as pets and be loving, caring carefully, but take a look to see their everyday life from the 1900s to 1920s through these lovely vintage snapshots.
Today, Huskies are considered as pets and be loving, caring carefully, but take a look to see their everyday life from the 1900s to 1920s through these lovely vintage snapshots.