La fotógrafo Nancy Levine retrata los diferentes estilos de vida norteamericana a través de perros de la tercera edad, imágenes reconfortantes que nos enseñan cómo debería ser la vida y la muerte La neoyorquina Nancy Levine probablemente haya tocado todos los palos de la fotografía profesional, desde la moda al documental. Pero sin duda, las vivencias con sus propios perros han sido una gran influencia en su carrera. De hecho, dos de sus proyectos más relevantes están protagonizados por canes. El primero vio la luz en el año 2000 en forma de libro: “A Dog’s Book of Truths”. Un proyecto poético que básicamente consistió en fotografiar a sus perras, Lulu y Maxie, durante casi una década. Imágenes que parece que están a punto de descubrirte los misterios de la existencia.
Durante esos años, las perras de Nancy se hicieron mayores e inevitablemente esto le hizo reflexionar en temas transcendentes como la fugacidad de la vida, la suya y la de todos. Y comenzó a fijarse en cómo los perros dan el paso, o los pasos, hacia la muerte, con normalidad, incluso moviendo el rabo en ocasiones. Así se inició su segundo gran proyecto profesional hace ocho años: “Senior Dogs Across America”.
Durante este tiempo Nancy ha ido recorriendo cámara en mano todo Estados Unidos. Un largo viaje en el que ha ido retratando perros mayores en sus diferentes contextos. Imágenes que también retratan la sociedad norteamericana, e incluso a toda la humanidad, aunque en las fotos solo salgan perros, también hablamos de personas. Visuales que enseñan como cómo debería ser idealmente la vida, y la muerte: tranquila (y no hablamos de perros, hablamos de nuestros ancianos).
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The photographer Nancy Levine portraits different American lifestyles through elderly dogs, comforting pictures that show us how life and death should be New Yorker Nancy Levine probably dealt with all facets of photography in her professional life, from fashion to documentary. But without a doubt, her experiences with her own dogs was a great influence on her career. In fact, two of her most important projects star dogs. The first one was unveiled in the 2000 in book form: “A Dog’s Book of Truths”. A poetic project that mainly consisted of pictures of her dogs, Lulu and Maxie, during almost a decade. Pictures that make you feel like they will show you the mysteries of existence. During those years, Nancy’s dogs got older and this made her reflect on trascendental subjects like the fleetingness of life, hers and every one else’s. And she started And she started paying attention to how dogs take that step, or steps, to death, smoothly, even wagging their tales sometimes. That’s how she started her second biggest professional project eight years ago: “Senior Dogs Across America”. During this period, Nancy travelled all over the US. A long journey in which she portrayed elderly dogs in different contexts. Pictures that also shows the American society, and even human kind actdad, although we can only see dogs in the pictures, we are also talking about people. Pictures that show how life and death show be in a perfect World: peaceful (and we are not talking about dogs, we are talking about elder people).
The photographer Nancy Levine portraits different American lifestyles through elderly dogs, comforting pictures that show us how life and death should be New Yorker Nancy Levine probably dealt with all facets of photography in her professional life, from fashion to documentary. But without a doubt, her experiences with her own dogs was a great influence on her career. In fact, two of her most important projects star dogs. The first one was unveiled in the 2000 in book form: “A Dog’s Book of Truths”. A poetic project that mainly consisted of pictures of her dogs, Lulu and Maxie, during almost a decade. Pictures that make you feel like they will show you the mysteries of existence. During those years, Nancy’s dogs got older and this made her reflect on trascendental subjects like the fleetingness of life, hers and every one else’s. And she started And she started paying attention to how dogs take that step, or steps, to death, smoothly, even wagging their tales sometimes. That’s how she started her second biggest professional project eight years ago: “Senior Dogs Across America”. During this period, Nancy travelled all over the US. A long journey in which she portrayed elderly dogs in different contexts. Pictures that also shows the American society, and even human kind actdad, although we can only see dogs in the pictures, we are also talking about people. Pictures that show how life and death show be in a perfect World: peaceful (and we are not talking about dogs, we are talking about elder people).