Este año no ha sido bueno para viajar, pero, a pesar de todo, el certamen fotográfico comparado con los Oscars de Hollywood, el Sienna International Photo Awards, se ha celebrado y ya ha elegido a sus ganadores.
De entre sus variadas categorías, todas interesantes, he elegido las que más interesan a los principios de este blog: Animals in their Environment y The Beauty of Nature.
Hoy veremos la última parte de los ganadores de Animals in their Environment
Remarkable Artwork Mara crossing with a centerpiece by Artur Stankiewicz
Remarkable ArtworkMatingby João Rodrigues
Remarkable Artwork False Killer Whale by Scott Portelli
Remarkable Artwork Transition by Yatwai So
Remarkable Artwork Green Eye by Hannes Lochner
Remarkable Artwork Attention by Yung-sen Wu
Remarkable Artwork Constellation of Eagle Rays by Henley Spiers
Remarkable Artwork Life cycle by Franco Banfi
Remarkable Artwork Follow me by Massimiliano Giovampaoli
Remarkable Artwork Dancing Pompano by Songda Cai
Remarkable Artwork Waltz of death by Rian Van Schalkwyk
Remarkable Artwork Colorful Night by Mohammad Murad
Remarkable Artwork Dentist by Lilian Koh
Remarkable Artwork Feeding - Private Moment by Mike Korostelev
Remarkable Artwork Bear-Spoilt Eggs by Jon Langeland
Remarkable Artwork Think different by Pietro Formis