Audrey Hepburn (4 de mayo de 1929 - 20 de enero de 1993) nació en Bélgica. Desde niña, estudió ballet y continuó esos estudios cuando se mudó a Londres en 1948, después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El papel que Audrey Hepburn interpretó en "Roman Holidays" (1951) le trajo fama mundial y desde entonces el nombre deesta talentosa actriz se hizo conocido por todo el mundo.Hoy en día Audrey Hepburn es un icono de belleza y elegancia. Pero hay alguien más, que tiene todo el derecho de compartir el pedestal de Audrey - Mr. Famous, el Yorkshire Terrier. Fue Audrey Hepburn, quien en realidad introdujo los Yorkshire Terriers en el mundo de las celebridades, esa moda de tener un perro faldero comenzó en Hollywood exactamente por Audrey y su pequeño amigo, el Sr. Famous. Cuando decimos "Audrey Hepburn", queremos decir - el cine como un arte. Cuando decimos "Audrey Hepburn", recordamos sus magníficos papeles en "Roman Holidays", "Funny Face" y "Breakfast at Tiffany's". Pero la imagen de la actriz y modelo estadounidense Audrey Hepburn es inconcebible sin la bondad y la misericordia. La frase de Audrey, que se ha vuelto legendaria: "Si quieres que tus labios sean hermosos, di buenas palabras". Pero Audrey Hepburn no sólo decia buenas palabras, siempre estaba haciendo cosas buenas, y su amor y misericordia eran otorgadas a personas y animales.Hoy, los Yorkshire Terriers, o como son cariñosamente apodados "Yorkies", son una de las razas más populares de perros miniatura.Para Audrey Hepburn el Sr. Famous era un objeto de amor, que compartió el lugar con ella en las portadas de revistas. Realmente, el Yorkshire Terrier Mr. Famous era totalmente coherente con su nombre. El diminuto perro se convirtió en un compañero integral de Audrey, la gran actriz le dio todo su amor y devoción. Audrey Hepburn, ganadora del Oscar de Mejor Actriz en la película "Roman Holidays" y embajadora especial de UNICEF, siempre tuvo una actitud suave, tímida y amable con nuestros "Hermanos más jóvenes". Pero por supuesto, entre todos los animales, Audrey era particularmente simpática con los perros. Junto a Mr. Famous se la puede ver en las fotos con algunos otros caninos también, pero seguro que el pequeño Yorkie siempre será parte de la imagen de Audrey.Durante el rodaje de The Children's Hour, el Sr. Famous fue atropellado por Wilshire Boulevard y murió.Después de la muerte del Sr. Famous, Mel Ferrer le dio a Hepburn otro Yorkie llamado Assam de Assam.
Audrey Hepburn (4 May 1929 - 20 January 1993) was born in Belgium.
Since she was a child, she studied ballet and continued those studies
when she moved to London in 1948, after the Second World War was over.
The part Audrey Hepburn played in "Roman Holidays" (1951) brought her a
worldwide fame and from this time the name of a talented actress became
known allover the World.
Nowadays Audrey Hepburn - is an icon of beauty and style. But there
is someone else, who has a full right to share Audrey's pedestal - Mr.
Famous, the Yorkshire Terrier. It was Audrey Hepburn, who actually
introduced Yorkshire Terriers
to the world of celebrities, this big fashion to have a lap-dog started
in Hollywood exactly from Audrey and her little friend Mr. Famous.
When we say "Audrey Hepburn", we mean - cinema as an art. When we say "Audrey Hepburn", we remember her magnificent roles in "Roman Holidays", "Funny Face" and "Breakfast at Tiffany's". But the image of American actress and model Audrey Hepburn is inconceivable without the kindness and mercy. It is Audrey's phrase, that has become legendary: "If You want Your lips to be beautiful - say good words". But Audrey Hepburn was not only saying a good words, she was always doing a good things, and her love and mercy were bestowed to people and animals.
Today Yorkshire Terriers, or as they are affectionately nicknamed "Yorkies", is one of the most popular breeds of miniature dogs.
For Audrey Hepburn Mr. Famous was the object of love, who shared with her the place on the magazine's covers. Really, Yorkshire Terrier Mr. Famous was fully consistent with his name. The tiny dog became an integral Audrey's companion, the great actress was giving him all her love and devotion. Audrey Hepburn, winner of the Oscar for Best Actress in the film "Roman Holidays" and a special ambassador of UNICEF, always had a gentle, timid and kind attitude to our "Younger Brothers". But of course, among all animals Audrey was particularly sympathetic to the dogs. Beside for Mr. Famous she can be seen on the photos with some other canines as well, but for sure little Yorkie will always be a part of Audrey's image.
When we say "Audrey Hepburn", we mean - cinema as an art. When we say "Audrey Hepburn", we remember her magnificent roles in "Roman Holidays", "Funny Face" and "Breakfast at Tiffany's". But the image of American actress and model Audrey Hepburn is inconceivable without the kindness and mercy. It is Audrey's phrase, that has become legendary: "If You want Your lips to be beautiful - say good words". But Audrey Hepburn was not only saying a good words, she was always doing a good things, and her love and mercy were bestowed to people and animals.
Today Yorkshire Terriers, or as they are affectionately nicknamed "Yorkies", is one of the most popular breeds of miniature dogs.
For Audrey Hepburn Mr. Famous was the object of love, who shared with her the place on the magazine's covers. Really, Yorkshire Terrier Mr. Famous was fully consistent with his name. The tiny dog became an integral Audrey's companion, the great actress was giving him all her love and devotion. Audrey Hepburn, winner of the Oscar for Best Actress in the film "Roman Holidays" and a special ambassador of UNICEF, always had a gentle, timid and kind attitude to our "Younger Brothers". But of course, among all animals Audrey was particularly sympathetic to the dogs. Beside for Mr. Famous she can be seen on the photos with some other canines as well, but for sure little Yorkie will always be a part of Audrey's image.