Painter, illustrator. Farny was attracted to Indians as a boy in Warren, Pennsylvania, his family’s first residence in America after leaving France in 1853. Another move took him to Cincinnati, where Farny remained until 1866, when he found a job in New York as an engraver and cartoonist for Harper’s Monthly. Over the next ten years, he went abroad three times, studying in Rome, Düsseldorf, and Munich. On the last trip, he was accompanied by fellow Cincinnatians Frank Duveneck and John Twachtman. In 1881, inspired by the developing market for Indian paintings, Farny traveled up the Missouri River, making sketches, taking notes and photography, and collecting artifacts. On several more trips West he did the same, until his Cincinnati studio contained enough material for almost any Indian subject he wished to illustrate. Many of his oil paintings were done after 1893, in a style that combined his documentary skills with a nostalgia or vanishing western tribes.
Bienvenidos a mi blog. Este será un sitio dedicado a la raza que me apasiona, el cocker spaniel ingles, y en general a todos los perros, con raza o sin ella. Aquí iré colgando temas relacionados con ellos, con los cocker y todo aquello que me parezca interesante, sobre veterinaria, etología etc...
Encontrarás que algunos artículos sobre el cocker son un poco técnicos, pero la mayoría son para todos los públicos. ¡No te desanimes !
Me gustaría agradecer a todas las personas que nos han ayudado, explicado y aguantado tantas y tantas cosas, y que han hecho que nuestra afición persista.
En especial a Pablo Termes, que nos abrió su casa de par en par y nos regaló jugosas tardes en su porche contando innumerables “batallitas de perros”. Suyas fueron nuestras dos primeras perras y suya es buena parte de culpa de nuestra afición. A Antonio Plaza y Alicia, también por su hospitalidad, su cercanía, y su inestimable ayuda cada vez que la hemos necesitado. También por dejarnos usar sus sementales, casi nada. Y a todos los criadores y propietarios que en algún momento, o en muchos, han respondido a nuestras dudas con amabilidad.
Y, por supuesto, a Rambo, Cibeles y Maripepa, a Chulapa y Chulapita, y a Trufa, como no, y a todos los perros con pedigrí o sin el, con raza o sin ella por ser tan geniales.
Muchas gracias
Te estaré muy agradecido si después me dejas tus impresiones en forma de comentario.
Espero que te guste y que vuelvas pronto.
martes, 19 de enero de 2021
Painter, illustrator. Farny was attracted to Indians as a boy in Warren, Pennsylvania, his family’s first residence in America after leaving France in 1853. Another move took him to Cincinnati, where Farny remained until 1866, when he found a job in New York as an engraver and cartoonist for Harper’s Monthly. Over the next ten years, he went abroad three times, studying in Rome, Düsseldorf, and Munich. On the last trip, he was accompanied by fellow Cincinnatians Frank Duveneck and John Twachtman. In 1881, inspired by the developing market for Indian paintings, Farny traveled up the Missouri River, making sketches, taking notes and photography, and collecting artifacts. On several more trips West he did the same, until his Cincinnati studio contained enough material for almost any Indian subject he wished to illustrate. Many of his oil paintings were done after 1893, in a style that combined his documentary skills with a nostalgia or vanishing western tribes.